Fire House
Metro Stop: Virginia Sq-GMU
- Orange Line
- Silver Line

Cherrydale firehouse. (Source: Library of Congress)
It’s great to honor higher education, but the George Mason University Law School isn’t actually that old. So, instead of "Virginia Square: GMU," we think there's a better alternative for this station name. The Cherrydale Volunteer Fire House predates the university by several decades. Built in 1919, the fire house is home to the Cherrydale Volunteer Fire Department, the oldest volunteer department in Arlington County (established in 1898). The department has gained a reputation over the years for some of its unique fundraising methods. For instance, when the fire house was under construction, the fire company sold bricks. People would donate to the construction and, in return, the builders would place a brick in their name. Among those with a brick: President and Mrs. Wilson.