About Boundary Stones

Original boundary stone at the intersection of Southern Ave. and Eastern Ave. along the D.C. - Prince Georges County line. (Source: Flickr user MDMarkUS66)
Boundary Stones is a website about local history in Washington, D.C., suburban Maryland and northern Virginia. These pages (or pixels!) seek to uncover and share some of the stories that have helped to shape our community over the years -- some serious stuff, some light stuff, some photos and even some video. It's a fun exploration and we hope that you will check back often to read, comment and suggest topics.
So what's with the name Boundary Stones? It's a local history reference, of course! After President George Washington chose the Potomac River region as the site for the new national capital in 1790, surveyors laid out 40 sandstone markers to mark the territory. These stones were inscribed with "District of Columbia" on one side and "Maryland" or "Virginia" on the other side. If it worked for George Washington, it works for us!
A note about our format
On this site, we strive to provide interesting, informative and accurate posts based on a variety of reputable sources including history books, articles, websites, interviews, newspaper accounts and primary source materials. However, in most cases, our short-form format does not allow us to research and discuss these topics exhaustively. Quite simply, there is almost always more to the story. The views posted on Boundary Stones are the views of the authors themselves and do not necessarily represent the views of WETA.